Thank you so much for your help in making our Junior Homecoming such a memorable time.
— John
Craftsmanship isn’t a lost art or a thing of the past. Quality craftsmanship still exists. Actually, it’s the only way we know how to build. We pay attention to every detail. We go beyond what’s expected. And we deliver a superior finished project every single time.
If you can dream it, we can build it. The thing is, we love a challenge. We are thrilled when our clients give us the opportunity to build something new and exciting. We thrive on finding creative ways to build unique, customized projects that inspire and delight the people who use them.
We make every project hassle-free and turnkey our customers. That means managing every aspect of the job from start to finish. Idea to execution. Whatever it is, we take care of it.
Let’s be honest, over the years builders have gotten a pretty bad rap when it comes to service. At Trent Thrasher Construction, we’re the exact opposite. In fact, we’re known for our service, our attentiveness and our professionalism.
When we work on a project, our enthusiasm is contagious. Our energy is real. We love what we do, and it shows. Our skill, expertise, passion and can-do attitude make working with us not only smart but fun.
If you have an idea, we can build it. First, we’ll pick your brain to figure out what you want, need and like. Then, we’ll draw up custom plans, get your blessing and get down to work. And we’ll handle it all. From idea to design to completion.
Whether new tenants are moving in or you're reconfiguring a building for your own business, we can handle even the most complex commercial renovations from start to finish. We’ll work closely with you to ensure you get the exact space you need, exactly when you need it.
Growing companies will inevitably need more space. But purchasing or leasing a new building and moving can be costly. Instead, we can help you design and build an addition that integrates seamlessly with your existing building and gives you the space you need to keep on growing.
Proper maintenance helps ensure the safety, efficiency and longevity of any building. With our Maintenance Program, we’ll do monthly inspections of all building components and provide a detailed report. You can hire us to perform the work or another provider of your choice.
A proper foundation is critical to every new construction project. Our crew can oversee the clearing, filling, compacting and grading of your land so that the foundation of your building will stand the test of time.
We offer full-service interior design within the commercial industry with new construction, office renovation, and/or office furnishing. Our goal is to create an environment that our clients love based on their individual design style and needs for their space.